Psychometrics & Assessments
Seneca Consulting supports clients in all aspects of assessment development, administration, and reporting aligned with standards established by the American Psychological Association, the American Educational Research Association, and the National Council on Measurement in Education. During assessment development, we work closely with our clients and key stakeholders to develop purpose statements, write items aligned to standards or learning objectives, and convene item review meetings. After assessment administration, we perform classical test theory and item response theory analysis, including item analyses, calibration, and scoring and scaling. We then provide the data from our analyses to clients for assessment reporting. Finally, we collaborate with clients and stakeholders to co-interpret data and provide meaningful data visualizations of results.
Seneca Consulting also supports the design and implementation of validity studies for assessment systems. Sample Projects Kaiapuni Assessment of Education Outcomes (KĀ‘EO) |
Program Evaluation

Seneca Consulting provides program evaluation services to clients, focusing on ensuring cultural responsiveness to stakeholders. Our approach to program evaluation begins with partnering with program leads and key stakeholders to develop a logic model. We then use the logic model to help articulate the program and focus our evaluation efforts. To design the evaluation, we implement collaborative and rigorous methods that are appropriate for answering the evaluation questions. We are experienced in both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methodologies. We can provide both formative and summative evaluation reports, depending on client needs.
Sample Projects
Inclusive Excellence Program
Sample Projects
Inclusive Excellence Program
Instrument Development, Data Collection, and Data Analysis

Seneca Consulting’s approach to data collection and analysis is that the evaluation questions and data characteristics drive the methods. We can help clients with almost any need related to data collection, data analysis, and reporting. We have a wealth of experience in developing instruments for surveys, interviews, and focus groups; sampling; administering surveys; conducting interviews and focus groups; and analyzing qualitative data. We also have expertise in advanced quantitative data collection and analysis, including nonparametric methods, multiple regression, and hierarchical linear modeling. Finally, we can provide clear reports and presentations of the findings, tailored to a variety of audiences.
Sample Project
Native American Student Needs Assessment
Sample Project
Native American Student Needs Assessment